When you really want to acknowledge the hard work your employees do for you, you give them regular chair massages. And you know what? It will be an investment that pays for itself. We live in competitive times and to keep your good people close to you (as well as attract the best possible employees), you make sure they feel balanced & happy. In comes the chair massage!

Why chair massages?
Offering a chair massage to your employees has many benefits. The physical benefits are obvious; it creates a relaxed body and improves posture (we might even give them some advice on how to improve their posture during work). A great way to prevent health & posture related problems.
Besides that, there are many significant effects on mental health. Your employees will overcome stress in the blink of an eye, and will therefore feel more energetic and focused. I guess you can imagine the effect that has on their results. Moreover, your team will feel valued. And looking at it from an employer's point of view, maybe that’s the most important one.
The upside for you is that chair massages are very effective. They last 20 or 30 minutes per person, but treat the most important parts of our body when it comes to stress (neck & back). That means they are a very cost-effective option.

To optimize the convenience of your employees, we work with a booking tool that will be fine-tuned to your wishes. Your employees can then book their favorite time-slot in advance. When they come in on the set time, we can start straight away (because we work through their clothes). Afterwards, we only need a minute or two to clean the chair for the next person. Very effective!
Our team
For our corporate clients we work with a highly skilled team of male and female massage therapists. To ensure the best quality, each of them has at least 5 years of experience. Everybody speaks fluent English (we like to work with an international team), but eventually their hands will do the talking. If you prefer to have a set team, we’ll make sure we always come in with the same therapists.
Contact us.
Would you like to know more about our corporate services or book us for your event? We’re happy to hear from you!