To prepare your body for the belly massage, we’ll start by massaging other parts of your body. We do this because this massage technique requires setting a safe space for you to fully relax and surrender to the deep sensations. We have to be honest, this can get a bit uncomfortable here and there. But once your body relaxes and blood starts flowing in areas that are stuck you will feel light, vibrant & healed. This is because a lot of our emotional baggage is stored in our belly. The massage is performed on a physical level, but might work through on emotional levels as well.
Why we love this massage
Getting a Chi Nei Tsang massage may seem like a wild idea, but we’re convinced almost everyone could benefit from this massage. Receiving this massage is like a rite of passage. You let go of a lot of baggage, to invite a new you. Moreover, there is so much wisdom to be derived from this area, the emotional center of our body. When we give attention to our belly, we give attention to ourselves.

This massage is for you when:
When you experience gut health issues like bloating, Crohn, Colitis Ulcerosa
When you feel like you’d like to let go of the old, and bring in the new
When you want to reconnect with your gut feeling