Lauriergracht 102
(inside Double Shift)
1016 RP Amsterdam
Opening hours
Monday 08:30–22:30
Tuesday 08:30–22:30
Wednesday 08:30–22:30
Thursday 08:30–22:30
Friday 08:30–18:00
Saturday 08:30–18:00
Sunday 08:30–18:00
Phone number/WhatsApp
+31 (0)6 4150 3995
Double Shift
Since july 2022 we’ve moved our massage salon to a hidden gem called Double Shift. And when we say hidden gem, we mean it. When you walk by this place in the Jordaan area, you wouldn’t think behind those doors is this really cool industrial building with super high ceilings. When going inside you’ll be welcomed by the Double Shift team. Walking through their grand entrance is a real experience, so spacious! After entering the gym you will find our massage rooms in the back.