During this massage you will be laying down on the massage table on your side, accompanied by many props and pillows to make you as comfortable as possible. We believe that this is the most relaxed way for you to experience a massage during your pregnancy. When you’re in the beginning of your pregnancy we’ll avoid all energetic trigger points that are connected to your uterus. But when you’re in the last weeks of your pregnancy and you want to get things going, we’re happy to help you with that too!
Why we love this massage
This massage is a worship of the female body and its unbelievable creative power. We’re always very honored when we’re allowed to touch a female body during this special time in her life. We enjoy being of service to her or support her when pregnant life gets challenging and hard.

This massage is for you when:
You need some time to reconnect to yourself & your baby
You have pregnancy related discomforts that need some attention
You want to honor your pregnant body
When you’re 40+ weeks and you want to prepare yourself for birth