The Shiatsu teaching is based on the idea that the body has a natural balance. Sometimes though, under times of stress, this natural balance can be challenged. To restore the natural balance, we can either apply pressure to pressure points, or stretch certain meridians in the body. At Tension Tamers we like to combine the knowledge from Shiatsu with other types of massage; like deep tissue or relaxation. That way not only your natural balance will be restored, but you will feel relaxed and recharged too!
Why we love this massage
You know, sometimes the good things in life are hard to describe in words. Especially when you experience a feeling, or a deep knowing. For us this certainly goes for the Shiatsu technique. Restoring the natural balance of the body might sound vague, but after this massage you know what we mean.

This massage is for you when:
You have some (physical) discomforts like fatigue, stress, digestive disorders, PMS
When you like to add some healing powers to your massage