With a background in physical therapy, Saar is someone who has a lot to offer. Booking a session with Saar might result in a beautiful massage topped off with a few interesting insights. When needed, she might even offer you some functional tools or exercises for you to take care of your body.
Saar has a very warm & uplifting energy with a very calm but firm touch. Her approach to massage is holistic in which she combines techniques from the relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, physiotherapy and Eastern techniques.
Other things that rock Saars’ boat are: yoga, pilates (she did a teacher training for both) and stand up Paddle (she’s an instructor too). When she’s not massaging she loves creating & editing video content for other therapists, artists or surf spots.
Saar also works as a chair masseur at our corporate clients. She therefore has no set days in our studio, but works flexible and on request. Interested in a massage of Saar but no availability in the calendar? Feel free to mail us.
Currently reading
Vuurman & Watervrouw, de vijf elementenleer
On bucket list
Travel Hotspot
Last training
Indian head massage
Guilty pleasure
Other passions
Photography at the beach